10 October 2011

This is called: LOVE

I was sitting in front of my desk and opened my twitter home page. I saw a mention appeared on the monitor the I clicked it. Guess what? It was from mu super-duper-best-friend-everrrr. And she was asking me, "Where have you been this week?" hahaha LOL. It seemed like I've been missing for a long time. Actually, yes I did. Because I faced mid-term tests. If I activated my BB packet on, I would forget to study. I thought it was the best way. Yet, it couldn't make my scores going better. Mostly, the mathematics! I couldn't do it!!! *floating on the sea of logarithm*


Ok, let's go back to the topic! Hmm, I answered Niken's question. And two minutes later....I found that she posted me on her blog! A post about me! Only me! UUUUU she made me feel special. Thanks a lot! ;D

Here is the link!

Did you know? My tears, suddenly, were going down and down and down until I couldn't hold it. The most meaningful sentences are.....
"ninis tu enak di ajak curhat...nyambung gt. baik hati lagi. daaaaan cerianya itu lhooo bikin iri. padahal ya aku tau...ada bermacam macam pikiran yang nggk ceria. tapi dia selalu ceriaaaa aku jadi kagum:) trus suka ngasih motivasi gitu...beneran deh itu membantu bgt:')

walaupun aku tau ninis belum dewasa, tapi jalan mikirnya ingin dewasa dan sering mendadak puitis:p aku kangen ninis. aku sayang ninis. sayang banget sama ninis. ninis tetap jadi sahabatku yaaaa:)

Hey she really really knows me so well. "Cerianya bikin iri" hahaha you know? I'm trying to hide my sadness though there is some pains on my heart and mind. It is the best way to be happy. Trust me. If you are in unwanted situation, just hide those feelings deep inside your heart and make a bright smile even laugh though it is just a fake. First, it still feels a fake, but it will be natural soon after ;-)
"Walaupun aku tau Ninis belum dewasa, tapi jalan mikirnya ingin dewasa" Gee sist, you do part of my life! I am immature. Yet, I am always trying to be mature! for example, positive thinking and be a wise person! I know, my face does not represent a mature face. Yet, inside, you will know if you know me.. So, let us be a friend! :D

Thanks a lot a lot a lot a lot to Niken Kembangraras Desti Tenaya! Ninis bakal terus jadi temen terbaik Niken. I know we are typically different but we can be a best friend because we are different! Thank you too to my another bestfriend(S) I will be there for you all foreverrr!

Ninis Prabaswari


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